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Kimberly Thomas • May 28, 2020

The Life of a Psychis: Feeling a Bit Mental 

There are days that I feel a bit mental. If I am being honest, I would call it scatter-brained. The definitions for being scatter-brained aren’t flattering either. Scatterbrain definition is - a person who is forgetful, disorganized, or unable to concentrate or think clearly. A person regarded as flighty, thoughtless, or disorganized. scat′ter·brained′ adj. n a person who is incapable of serious thought or concentration n.

It is on those days that I want to accomplish a lot of stuff. Big stuff and little stuff. There is a bigger scheme at play that has led me to cling to a long list of to-do’s. I wish it were a honey-do list because I could just pass the responsibility on to someone else. Sigh… 
The reality of the situation is that I must do these things or my day will be unsuccessful. Yes, at the beginning of the list conquering adventure, I have this “all or nothing” mindset. You got it -- that is no way to start the day. However, it does happen to the best of us. The list proceeds to create a flurry of thoughts throughout the day. So how can I manage all of those thoughts from my to-do list?

Thought is an energy. Think if it as playdoh. We create with thought. In our mind, thought has an appearance of real forms. Therefore, I start thinking about the form that I am presented with.

Thought ➡ thinking➡ feelings. How fast we go through this process and jumping from topic to topic, we feel scatterbrained. Even worse, others may view us that way, too. So let’s get a closer look at what’s happening. 

Thinking is one of the uses of thought. Thinking is observing and acting on the creations of thought.

Okay! Okay! Enough pf the philosophical theoretical talk about thoughts! What does this have to do with a life of a psychic? psychic definitions

  • Lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge : immaterial, moral, or spiritual in origin or force
  • Sensitive to nonphysical or supernatural forces and influences : marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception, or understanding.
  • A person apparently sensitive to nonphysical forces.
Psychics are individuals that are sensitive to receiving thought impressions from people, places, and things or PPT as I like to call them. Since I am psychic, I receive thoughts from PPT. So, when I have a to-do list that has already initiated a myriad of thoughts for the day, that list competes with thoughts I receive from PPT. Thus I can begin to feel a bit mental, aka, scatter-brained. There is good news.

If you are like me, feeling bombarded by disconnected thoughts at times, chalk it up to being a psychic that is categorized as a mental intuitive. 

Mental intuitives are drawn to astrology, numerology, healing through Advanced Technology, writing, and inventing. They are naturally mentally telepathic, as they have the gift of being able to receive the thoughts and ideas of others (remember PPT?). There are a host of other things they are known for:

  • They are inquisitive
  • They can inspire others to believe and work toward improving conditions
  • They can be profits who foretell the future of cultural medical and scientific trends
  • They may be the first to invent or use evolutionary scientific or healing instruments
  • They may be at the forefront of medical advances
  • Their minds can be fully tuned to the super consciousness, absorbing truth and possibility
Wow! So much good about being a bit mental.

Someone who reads energy through the mind is likely to be prone to much muscle tension and stress. They might also suffer with panic, anxiety, insomnia, headache, and sinus issues. The mind is overloaded with energy from all the PPT’s they encounter. This overload may also inhibit decision-making and direct experience. The sixth chakra, located in the head, can become overstimulated and overworked. Thus scatterbrained. Mental intuitives can be hard on themselves. They can place unwritten unrealistic expectations what they can accomplish, re. “To-do” list, often pushing themselves beyond what is reasonable.

If you can relate to any part of this article, here are some suggestions to find your way back to a sense of balance:
  • Exercise of any kind to slow the mind chatter
  • Puzzles or some similar game to challenge the mind in a fun way. This leads to relaxation and renewal.
  •  Active meditations: Focused breathing, Yoga, nature walks
  • Become an observer of thought and then respond. This helps to build psychic awareness overtime.
Lastly – never again call yourself scatter-brained or mental (with the negative connotation). There is a real reason for why you approach your world in your own way. You just may need to understand it more and leverage the upside of what you find.  
Feeling a bit mental? Yes, and it is a good thing.

From my Soul to Your Soul, Always,
Medium Kimberly Thomas

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Medium Kimberly ThomasKimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC.

CoHatch Kenwood, 7875 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio  45236

Phone: 513-285-8810


Appointments: Book an Appointment


Rev. Kimberly Thomas, owner/operator of Kimberly Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC., author, certified psychic medium, medical intuitive, Reiki practitioner, and wedding officiant. Her passion is teaching, mentoring, intuitive coaching and serving Spirit. Kimberly teaches numerous topics: Bible Studies, Tarot, Holistic Health methods, Intuition/Psychic/Medium development, Power Prayer, and Meditation. Holds a BS in Computer Science and an MBA.

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