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Kimberly Thomas • October 15, 2020

4 Reasons to Seek A Spiritual Coach 

4 Reasons to Seek a Spiritual Coach

There are times in everyone’s life where they could use some extra guidance. An intuitive Spiritual Coach provides guidance in a loving and supportive way. Kimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions in Cincinnati, OH, offers spiritual counseling to help clients envision a path and discover the steps toward the future they desire. Medium Kimberly Thomas explains why you may benefit from seeing a coach during certain times in your life. 

When to See a Spiritual Coach for Assistance

1. You’re Ready for a Change

It’s common to feel stuck in life sometimes. If you feel you’re in a rut and repeating the same habits over and over, a Spiritual Coach will help you. They will help you reflect upon yourself and determine the causes of your behavior and shed insight into how you can change. It may be the jump-start you need. 

2. You Have Started a New Journey

Perhaps you’ve already embraced a significant change in your life. Starting a new hobby, career, or relationship, while exciting, can feel overwhelming as you adjust to the changes. A Spiritual Coach can help you identify the steps that you need to take to accomplish your goals more effectively. Energy healing, through special meditations, can release old beliefs about yourself by clearing blocked energy and restoring emotional balance.

3. You Want to Spark Your Creativity

On occasion, even the most innovative people are at a loss for new and original ideas. Whether you want to apply a fresh perspective at home or in your career, working with a Spiritual Coach will help you light the spark of creativity. By providing prompts and inviting self-reflection and inquiry, your guide will assist you in coming up with creative new ideas.

4. You Want to Develop Your Spiritual Gifts further

You may identify yourself as intuitive, prophet, healer, empath, psychic, or medium. You now want to explore this spiritual side of yourself more. A spiritual coach will identify ways to strengthen your confidence with measurable results. And even if you are just curious if you have any spiritual gift, a Spiritual Coach will do the same for you by identifying your strengths and then helping you to leverage them in life. 

No matter what challenges you’re facing, a Spiritual Coach will provide clarity, wisdom, and inspiration. Medium Kimberly Thomas, of Kimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions in Cincinnati, OH, uses a variety of modalities to gain insight into the lives and minds of each client. She knows that each person is unique. Therefore, each session is tailored to you and your desired outcomes. Through energy healing and spiritual counseling, she’ll help each person discover their unique path to joy and fulfillment. To book her services, call (513) 285-8810 or visit her online.

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Medium Kimberly ThomasKimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC.

Phone: 513-285-8810


Appointments: Book an Appointment


Rev. Kimberly Thomas, owner/operator of Kimberly Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC., author, certified psychic medium, medical intuitive, Reiki practitioner, and wedding officiant. Her passion is teaching, mentoring, intuitive coaching and serving Spirit. Kimberly teaches numerous topics: Bible Studies, Tarot, Holistic Health methods, Intuition/Psychic/Medium development, Power Prayer, and Meditation. Holds a BS in Computer Science and an MBA.

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