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Kimberly Thomas • September 6, 2021

9 Potent Prayer Habits for Spiritual Stamina

My spiritual development journey started as a child. I practiced Catholicism, Episcopal-isms and Baptist-isms from childhood through adulthood. Each of these ‘isms” had some similarities. Where the beliefs differed, caused me great internal conflict. Logically speaking, these three religious paths could not all be the absolute truth. The content of my prayers changed from religion to religion. Each of these religions believed in a higher power. I decided that higher power would also be my focus. That higher power heard my prayers. This eventually led me to a potent prayer life because I experienced a stronger open relationship with that higher power. What follows are my thoughts about a good solid prayer practice. 


Here are nine potent prayer habits to keep in mind to start or reset your prayer practice.


1.      Create a sacred place within your home for your prayer activity. Go there when you feel there is a need to be in prayer. This could be your favorite chair, a home office space, your bathroom, or even a prayer closet. For you DIY’ers – your prayer place could be the garage or workshop. For artists, their studio may be the most sacred space in their life. Use the space that brings you peace.


2.     Pray with intention. Clearly state the result you desire. Being specific and focused during prayer. This increases the power of the prayer and will allow you to more easily recognize the answer or outcome of the prayer.


3.     Pray with veracity and love. Take a moment to fill your heart with love. Imagine yourself to be a beacon of love – a beacon emanating pure positive light energy.


4.    Call upon the highest power that you believe in.  If that is the Universe, Creator, Source or your Ancestors, just leverage that higher power. Become one with it.


5.      Speak out loud to add power. There is power in your voice that is spoken from the depths of the soul. Even when it is just a whisper, your voice has real spiritual laden power.

6.     Pray for yourself.  Schedule a prayer session that is solely about your physical, mental and emotional health. Fill your prayer about good things are now and how good they will be in future.  Asked to be reminded how you best serve others. End the session with thoughts on your blessings in your life.


7.     Pray for others physical, mental and emotional health. Being general in your prayer is best. Picture them as being in the perfect state of physical, mental and emotional health. This is the best use of your prayer healing energy.


8.      Keep a power prayer journal. Document how your life experiences that are evidence of your prayers.


9.    Establish a routine.  Once is not enough! Establish a prayer routine so that it becomes a habit. Repetition builds energetic power for you and the impact of your prayers.


I personally recommend positive prayers. Positive prayers are filled with the desire for positive outcomes in life: Blessing, healing, gratitude and appreciation prayers center me emotionally and spiritually. 


When I think about praying because I have a problem that seems to be unsolvable or the solution is one that is very undesirable, I stop myself. This is the time to ask for direction or guidance. I know that with every problem there is a spiritual solution. Through multiple prayer sessions, trial and error, I learned how God guides me to the best solution.


Blessings from my Soul to Yours, Always!


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Medium Kimberly ThomasKimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC.

Phone: 513-285-8810


Appointments: Book an Appointment


Rev. Kimberly Thomas, owner/operator of Kimberly Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC., author, certified psychic medium, medical intuitive, Reiki practitioner, and wedding officiant. Her passion is teaching, mentoring, intuitive coaching and serving Spirit. Kimberly teaches numerous topics: Bible Studies, Tarot, Holistic Health methods, Intuition/Psychic/Medium development, Power Prayer, and Meditation. Holds a BS in Computer Science and an MBA.

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