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Kimberly Thomas • July 9, 2020

The Life of a Psychic: Feeling Emotional

My answer when others ask me how I feel about our COVID-19 circumstances and the current protests is “emotional”. I feel emotional. That is the God’s honest truth for me. The protests bring up a myriad of emotions. I hate violence. I love that people have joined together to speak with one voice about injustice. So there you have it: love and hate alternating within me. Anyone else feeling something similar?

Embracing my psychic identity allows me to be extremely aware of my emotions. Emotional psychics feel an emotion from family, friends, clients, and themselves. This occurs all day long. The degree to which we are aware of these emotions is based upon the degree we acknowledge the psychic side of ourselves. I believe we all are psychic and have all sorts of emotions raging through our mind, body and soul. emotion definition is - a state of feeling. 2. : a conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body

Love. Hate. Frustration. Sadness. Joy. Hope. These are some of the emotions coming from you, and at you from others. Guess what? You and I cannot hold two emotions at the same time. That is impossible. You may find yourself waffling between emotions. This experience may feel beyond your control. When I am aware of this, I must choose the emotion that I want to own as MY TRUTH. I must choose to think about those two circumstances (COVID-19 and protests) in a way that is for my highest and greatest good. I implore you to do the same. 

Are You an Emotional Psychic?

You may be a strong emotional psychic if you can easily see many of the following statements as part of your truth.
  • The feelings and emotions of others affect me.
  • Most of my day I am helping others.
  •  I long for the elevated love of a spiritual soul mate.
  •  When I see a loved one suffer, I want to trade places with him or her.
  •  I feel the presence of God as an unconditional love.
  •  People tell me that they feel comforted when they are with me.
  • My spiritual journey is heart centered.
  • I easily feel the emotions of others.
  • Emotional psychics  
  • Bring us the gift of love and passion.
  • They are role models for a passion for helping and healing other.
  • They can, at times, exhibit unconditional love even in the darkest of times.
  • Their energy is very much action oriented, based in love, which can be trans-formative. 
  • Their minds can be fully tuned to the super consciousness, absorbing truth and possibility
Staying in Balance
Try this grounding visualization when you feel overloaded. Schedule some quiet time alone. Choose a place where you will not be interrupted. Being alone to recharge will help you decompress. Practice this visualization to return to your center.  

  •  Close the door, and turn off the computer and phone. 
  • Then sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths to relax your body. Start to feel still and at ease, as tension melts away.
  •  Feel stress leave your body as you connect to a sense of serenity. In this tranquil inner place, 
  • Next, visualize a large tree with a strong trunk extending down the center of your body, from head to toe. 
  • Then visualize the tree’s roots growing from the bottom of your feet, rooting down into the ground.
  • Imagine them making their way deeper and deeper
  • Imagine the root absorbing earth’s red energy.
  • Stay in this state as long as it feels good. It could be a minute or 30 minutes. It’s up to you.
It is okay to feel a range of emotions, especially concerning major life changing events. Just slow down and try to understand why you have love, hate, joy compassion, etc, for those situations. It is okay to be emotional and feel the emotions of others. The important thing is to be aware of the difference. between yours and them. When you cannot shake those emotions, try the ground visualization for a reset. Pout your compassionate heart to work through helping and healing others.
From my Soul to Your Soul, Always,

Medium Kimberly Thomas

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Medium Kimberly ThomasKimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC.

Phone: 513-285-8810


Appointments: Book an Appointment


Rev. Kimberly Thomas, owner/operator of Kimberly Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC., author, certified psychic medium, medical intuitive, Reiki practitioner, and wedding officiant. Her passion is teaching, mentoring, intuitive coaching and serving Spirit. Kimberly teaches numerous topics: Bible Studies, Tarot, Holistic Health methods, Intuition/Psychic/Medium development, Power Prayer, and Meditation. Holds a BS in Computer Science and an MBA.

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