Spiritual Life Coaching

Spiritual Life Coaching Program

As a Spiritual Life Coach that has gained wisdom through learning and providing divine guidance for more than ten years and hundreds of customers, this program may be the perfect for you. I consider each session as sacred and holy. It is your safe place to share your goals, visions, and dreams.

The Spiritual Life Coaching Program consists of a series of discovery sessions along with guidance and practical exercises that result  how your beliefs and actions help you tune to divine spiritual energy.  Some call that energy God, angels, guides, saints, universe, nature, etc.  No matter what you call that divine spiritual energy, spiritual life coaching can help you understand how to  strengthen our connection to it.  After becoming aware of the connection, next is understanding how it manifests for you personally.  Manifestations are how you perceive the communication from the divine spiritual energy. 

Those communications/perceptions lead you to understanding how you are being guided in your daily life.  You will begin to consistently make the best decisions for you and those that you are responsible for.  In other words, begin living a less stressful, more satisfying life with in faith and confidence.

Spiritual Life Coaching Package for Personal Spiritual Growt

  • The sessions can be via Zoom or phone.
  • Let’s talk about goals, challenges and priorities.
  • Based upon the priority, Kimberly will share practices that can help you on this journey,  Each session is about your progress, challenges and adjustments that may be needed based upon real life experiences. 
  • You know what works for you.  You share all of the good news! It is a session for celebration.  This session can also include a planning session for the next priority on your list from session 2 or a newly discovered priority.

The Spiritual Life Coaching package provides up to 10 hours of coaching that spans three months. The number of sessions are tailored for your goals.  With some information from me, you'll decide how to best measure your progress. This is your journey, Each session will discuss your progress toward your desired outcome. This includes the very first session. There will be sessions to discover and prioritize what you want to achieve with the assistance of coaching. Some sessions will teach you tools to apply in your daily life. There’s nothing cookie cutter about the actual discussions and guidance given. Kimberly is divinely guided during all sessions for your highest greatest good to help you have the best outcome on your spiritual journey.

The first step is to reach out and schedule a no-charge session. During this session, we discover the way forward throught questions and discussion.

For fee information and other information,  complete and submit this form.

I look forward to working with you and witness your spiritual growth!

Blessings Always,


Spiritual Life Coaching Info Request

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