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Kimberly Thomas • August 20, 2020

Meditate and be Transformed 

Meditate and be transformed.

“Each of us has an innate ability to slow our mind and body, disconnect activity, and visit the depths of our unconditioned self. We are gifted with the aptitude to experience our very soul and go beyond time and space - transcend this earthly plane of existence and then bring a little piece of tranquil one-ness back into this realm, allowing us to be happier, more compassionate, more forgiving, more creative, more intuitive and more connected to who we are and the divinity that rests within each of us.[Davidji, Secrets of Meditation: A practical Guide to Inner Peace and Personal Transformation]”


 Meditation is an experience of “no time”, “no thing”, and “no where”. You are meditating when you no longer aware of the time, your body feels weightless, and you’ve lost awareness of your environment. 

Meditation causes our brain waves to move from the hectic beta waves or analytical state to a slower and coherent alpha waves or a creative state. When we are in the alpha state, the brain and body work as one. There is no confusion nor chaos in the alpha state. Alpha state opens the gateway to the subconscious mind where our habits live. When our brain slows enough to allow us to align with our most perfect spiritual nature, we allow effortless healing to take place.

You will need to choose a special place for meditating and a time when you will have no interruptions. Before starting a meditation, I prepare my mediation space. The music must be relaxing and something I listen to even if I were not meditating. Sometimes I burn incense. I encourage you to choose a scent that calms you or brings happy memories. I light one or more white candles. I choose a comfortable place to sit. My meditation room is my sacred space. All of this signals that I am giving a gift to myself and I am submitting myself to a higher power. 

Identify your higher power. What do you call it? This is my time to connect deeply with the Holy Spirit. This is my time to connect with my soul. This is my time to be. Yes. It is wonderful to be alone but not lonely. I am experiencing what God created me to be - spirit. During meditation, the world falls away from my awareness. There is no sense of time, body nor environment. So, why is this important? While we are on earth, we experience stimuli that help us to take actions. Stimuli are a natural part of life. Stimuli can come from television, the Internet, radio, magazines, books and movies, animals and people we directly interact with daily. We respond to it all mentally and physically. We grow to depend on stimuli to help form decisions. Some decisions are good, and some are not so good. The not so good decisions can lead to frustration, remorse, regret, sadness, anger and a slew of other degrees of negative feelings. Our bodies react to all that we experience. The reactions from stressful stimuli may be in the form of sleepless nights, headaches, panic attacks, and low immune symptoms as examples. 

Meditation teaches how to invoke positive loving feelings.  One method is remembering a happy occasion or a time where you felt love. Once the feeling overcomes you, observe how it feels within your body. Where do you feel the warmth? Is it in one spot like your heart? Does it saturate your entire body? If this method does not work for you, keep experimenting with ways to feel love, peace or joy. When I follow this practice, I set the tone for my day. Then, when challenges arise, I can more easily observe the situation and be inspired with a response based in love. In other words, meditation influences my behavior throughout the day so that I can put my best foot forward.

I set an intention for every meditation session. Setting an intention for a meditation allows you to have a way to know if the meditation is helping you.  Meditations can help accelerate physical and emotional healing, improve focus for daily routines, break bad habits, initiate a stream creativity, and invoke love, compassion, and joy among other things.

There are sessions I ask to receive guidance concerning important matters. Guidance may come from angels, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit. I consider these channels to be the same as God’s voice. I have received messages from folks that have passed away a long time ago.  Throughout the day, I receive reminders about the guidance.  Sometimes the reminder is part of a conversation. Sometimes a thought pops into my head as a reminder. I always smile when this happens. It is as if the meditation session continues in the background, or in the subconscious part of my mind. Without setting an intention, I’m without a way to know if the meditation is helping me. Therefore, I set an intention for each meditation.

Meditation means you intentionally change your brain waves to experience “no time”, “no body” and “no environment”. Meditation causes a shift from as analytical mind to a creative mind, to go from a worried mind to a peaceful mind, or whatever you choose as your intention. Just meditate and you will be at peace more often, wiser, and more focused which means a better quality of life. Meditate and be transformed.

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Medium Kimberly ThomasKimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC.

Phone: 513-285-8810


Appointments: Book an Appointment


Rev. Kimberly Thomas, owner/operator of Kimberly Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC., author, certified psychic medium, medical intuitive, Reiki practitioner, and wedding officiant. Her passion is teaching, mentoring, intuitive coaching and serving Spirit. Kimberly teaches numerous topics: Bible Studies, Tarot, Holistic Health methods, Intuition/Psychic/Medium development, Power Prayer, and Meditation. Holds a BS in Computer Science and an MBA.

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